Chair: Cllr Spivey
Present: Cllr Shilling, Cllr Mercer, Cllr Adams, Cllr Brown, Cllr Noon, Cllr Bevan, County Cllr Bunney,
Clerk: Tony Shaw
No members of the public attended the meeting.
1. Adopt minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 9th May 2022
Minutes adopted and signed by the Chairman
2. Chairman’s report of Parish Council activity in 2022/23
The Chair provided a summary of Parish Council events in the past year:
• Village benches discussed regarding access for the grass cutters
• Concerns regarding the play equipment
• Supporting the wildflower and wildlife project on the village green
• Disappointing feedback regarding platinum Jubilee celebrations
• Concerns raised regarding the condition of roads and intervention by Councillor Bunney
• Community Speed-watch commenced, funded by the parish council
• Serious concerns raised regarding 4 x 4 traffic using the Thorpe Lane fords
• Welcome to John Brown as a Councillor
• Resignation received in November from the Clerk
• Planning issues discussed included UPVC windows on the Old Bakery and the planning appeal on garden land adjacent to 5 Beckhill
• Parish Council agreement to support the Tealby Events group, sponsoring the King’s coronation party
• Welcome to Tony Shaw as our new parish clerk
3. Open meeting
A discussion took place around the current state of benches around the village. There has been an offer from a community group to supply some new benches and these could replace existing ones, that are beyond repair.
The meeting closed at 8:00 pm