Clerk    Tony Shaw
Chair    Councillor Steven Spivey
Public    Two members of the public

1.    To adopt the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 2nd May 2023 
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted.

2.    To receive a Chair’s report of Parish Council activity during 2023-24
The Chair provided a summary of Parish Council events in the past year:
•    2023 was a full election year, where all councillors come to the end of their term of office and need to stand for re-election. In May 2023, six of the seven councillors were re-appointed, which provides excellent continuity for the parish. Thanks are given to ex-councillor Mark Adams who chose to leave the parish council at this time.

•    The council acted as a consultee for all planning applications. As always, it provided robust challenge and submitted comments of objection where applications were not in keeping with the heritage or character of the village.

•    Meetings were regularly attended by district and county councillors, where highways issues including resurfacing and flooding were discussed. The council thanks County Councillor Stephen Bunney and District Councillor Moira Westley for their ongoing support in progressing local issues.

•    The council continues to maintain the Churchyard and significant expense was incurred in the felling and removal of dead trees.

•    The grass cutting contractor (AJ Williams) continues to provide an excellent service to the parish and their services have been renewed for the 2024/25 season.

•    The Village Green continues to be enhanced as a public space and thanks go to Jane Rylands-Bolton for taking the lead on various projects. The parish council lends its full support and financial backing to this work.

•    Tree work has recently been completed on the Village Green to remove a fallen tree and to deadwood all trees, ensuring it is a safe area for all visitors. The deadwood has been used to create natural wildlife habitats to support the development of the Village Green as a bio-diverse environment.

•    A new bench has been purchased and installed in the car park at the Village Green. This is made from recycled materials, which should provide longevity and reduce the burden of maintenance on the parish council.

•    A comprehensive plan has been put together for the refurbishment of the Play Park, which was a collaboration between councillors and local residents. Grant funding was sought from West Lindsey District Council but the council narrowly missed out on obtaining funds. Other sources of funding and grant opportunities are being explored.

•    The council has managed the Cemetery and there has been a high demand for the reservation of plots. In line with other Cemetery owners, the council is revising its pricing strategy to ensure local residents receive preferential rates compared to non-residents.

•    The parish council moved to a new banking arrangement with Unity Bank this year, which improves the security of its financial operation. Other governance improvements have been made, to ensure the council complies with legislation and follows best practice guidance. 

3.    Open Session
No other matters were raised during the open session.

Meeting closed at 7:30pm