September 2024 Miinutes
Tealby Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting on Wednesday 4 September 2024 at 7.30pm
Tealby Village Hall, 3 Beck Hill, Tealby, LN8 3XU
Clerk Tony Shaw
Councillors Steven Spivey (Chair), Martin Shilling, David Bevan and John Brown
Public One member of the public
1. Declarations of Interest:
a) To record declarations of interest in any of the agenda items listed below
b) To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below
2. Apologies:
Apologies received from Councillors Mercer and Noon.
3. Adoption of previous minutes from Thursday 20 June 2024
RESOLVED: Minutes were adopted.
4. Open Forum
a) Update from the Community Speedwatch group
b) To consider a request to donate £50 to the Community Speedwatch group to assist with the production of literature
A member of the Community Speedwatch team provided an update on monitoring activity since October 2022. Statistics show that most speeding activity occurs near the junction of Thorpe Lane and Rasen Road, as traffic approaches the village from Market Rasen. The team would like to see the current speed limit of 60 reducing to 30 altered so there is an intermediate limit of 40.
The team want to do a leaflet drop to all households, to attract new Speedwatch volunteers.
RESOLVED: The council will pay up to £100 (excl. VAT) for printing of leaflets.
5. District/County Councillor Reports
No district or county councillor in attendance.
6. Clerk’s Report
a) To note the council’s insurance has been renewed with Gallagher Insurance until 5 July 2025
b) To note the appointment of new church wardens, Dr Simon Anderson and Heather Sanderson
Both items noted.
7. Finance
a) To receive a list of income received since the last meeting
Bank |
Received |
Description |
Amount |
30/06/24 |
Unity Trust Bank |
Bank Interest |
26.28 |
30/06/24 |
Unity Trust Bank |
Bank Interest |
245.76 |
01/07/24 |
Tealby PCC |
Churchyard Maintenance |
124.24 |
01/07/24 |
Village Hall Committee |
Donation to Play Park Reserves |
1,000.00 |
08/07/24 |
VAT Refund for 2023-24 |
2,345.71 |
10/07/24 |
Tealby PCC |
Churchyard Maintenance Arrears (Apr 23 to May 24 inclusive) |
1,739.36 |
01/08/24 |
Tealby PCC |
Churchyard Maintenance |
124.24 |
19/08/24 |
Lincolnshire CC |
Grass cutting contribution for 2024-25 |
1,027.18 |
02/09/24 |
Tealby PCC |
Churchyard Maintenance |
124.24 |
b) To ratify any payments made since the last meeting
The following payments were made by the Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair. They are either contractual payments (such as salary) or invoices presented since the last meeting which required payment before this meeting.
Bank |
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
08/07/24 |
M Williams |
Grass Cutting (Jun) |
780.00 |
156.00 |
936.00 |
30/06/24 |
Unity Trust Bank |
Service Charge |
18.00 |
18.00 |
03/07/24 |
Woodys Bird Food |
Bird Food |
154.00 |
154.00 |
08/07/24 |
M Parker Builders |
Remove Old Concrete Swing Base |
280.00 |
280.00 |
26/07/24 |
DAB Graphics |
50% Deposit for Interpretation Board |
982.98 |
196.60 |
1,179.58 |
25/07/24 |
PAYE (Apr, May & Jun) |
209.20 |
209.20 |
31/07/24 |
Online Playgrounds |
Shackles for Swings |
21.97 |
4.39 |
26.36 |
31/07/24 |
Tealby Shop |
Donation towards Car Park Resurfacing |
200.00 |
200.00 |
31/07/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary (Jul) |
259.12 |
259.12 |
31/07/24 |
Antony Shaw |
WFH Allowance (Jul) |
26.00 |
26.00 |
c) To approve a bank reconciliation to the end of August 2024
A full bank reconciliation was presented which showed that the council’s accounts matched the bank statements for all three accounts, as at the end of August 2024. Account balances are:
Bank Balances on 31 Aug |
Current Account |
9,387.78 |
Reserves Account |
34,827.44 |
Play Park Account |
3,859.58 |
RESOLVED: The bank reconciliation was approved.
d) To receive a budget report to the end of August 2024
A budget report was presented that showed no significant deviation from the council’s budget for income and expenditure, as at the end of August 2024.
e) To approve a Schedule of Payments
RESOLVED: The following items of expenditure were approved for payment:
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
M Williams |
Grass Cutting (Jul) |
780.00 |
156.00 |
936.00 |
RoSPA Play Safety |
Annual Play Park Inspection |
78.00 |
15.60 |
93.60 |
M Williams |
Grass Cutting (Aug) |
780.00 |
156.00 |
936.00 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary (Aug) |
259.12 |
259.12 |
Antony Shaw |
WFH Allowance (Aug) |
26.00 |
26.00 |
f) To receive a summary of the Play Park finances
A full summary of the Play Park account was presented, covering the period 1 April 2023 to 31 August 2024. This showed that the Play Park account should contain £4,117.61 but the actual balance is £3,859.58. The discrepancy has arisen because some items of expenditure that were paid from Play Park funds have been identified as general council expenditure, following a review.
RESOLVED: Council agreed that the clerk should transfer £258.03 from the council’s current account to the Play Park account, to correct the discrepancy.
g) To note receipt of a VAT refund of £2,345.71, for the year 2023-24
h) To note receipt of £1,739.66 from the Parochial Church Council
8. To review the Asset Register
The Clerk has reviewed the Asset Register and documented the location of each asset. Council reviewed the register and confirmed the location of three assets:
Asset |
Location |
Passive Signs |
Various locations on Rasen Road |
Speedwatch Radar |
Community Speedwatch team |
Speedwatch Signs |
Community Speedwatch team |
9. To adopt a Scheme of Delegation
RESOLVED: Council approved the adoption of a Scheme of Delegation policy.
10. To receive the annual RoSPA Safety Report and agree any remedial actions
The annual RoSPA report on the Play Park was reviewed. The most urgent remedial work, highlighted in the report, is being undertaken by the contractor installing the new adult and toddler swings. This is expected to happen within the next two weeks.
Less urgent repairs will be reviewed at the next meeting, once the Clerk has attended Play Park Safety Inspection training.
11. To consider a quote for felling of a dead tree, adjacent to the Car Park
Council received a quote for £320 to fell a dead tree and create chippings from the branches. Council instructed the Clerk to seek further quotes, for comparison.
12. Recycled Benches and Picnic Tables
a) To approve the purchase of 5 benches at a cost of £391.66 each (excl. VAT). Total cost £1,958.30
Council discussed which benches to replace and agreed an amended proposal to purchase three 4-seater benches. These will replace existing items at the following locations:
• Junction of Rasen Road and Cow Lane
• Junction of Thorpe Lane and Sandy Lane
• The wide verge off Rasen Road
RESOLVED: Council approved the purchase of 3 benches and fixings at a maximum cost of £1,300 (excl. VAT).
b) To approve the purchase of 3 picnic tables at a cost of £405.00 each (excl. VAT). Total cost £1,215.00
Council agreed an amended proposal to purchase 4 picnic tables.
RESOLVED: Council approved the purchase of 4 picnic tables at a total cost of £1,620 (excl. VAT).
13. To consider membership of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) at a cost of £100
RESOLVED: Council approved membership of the ICCM at a cost of £100.
14. To consider the creation of a Tealby Parish Clerk Facebook account for sharing community information
The clerk discussed the need to share key information, such as road closures and district/county consultations, with local residents. The proposal is to create a Facebook profile in the name of Tealby Parish Council and use this to share information on the “Tealby Chat” Facebook group.
RESOLVED: Council approved the creation of a Facebook account.
15. Laptop
a) To approve the purchase of a Lenovo Ideapad laptop for the clerk, at a cost of £312.50 plus VAT
b) To approve the purchase of a software key for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021, at a cost of £18.98
This item was deferred until the next meeting.
Exclusion of Press and Public:
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that public and press be excluded from the meeting for the matters set out below on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of private and confidential information.
16. To consider a change to the Clerk’s hours to include regular Play Park inspections
The Clerk is attending safety inspection training and will undertake monthly checks of the Play Park. It is estimated that each check will take approximately 2 hours, including travel time, the inspection and writing up the findings.
RESOLVED: The Clerk will claim these hours as overtime.
A contractual change to the Clerk’s hours may be made after a trial period, when the exact requirements and frequency of inspections has been established.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm