May 2020 Agenda

Tealby Parish Council
21 Wood Farm Close, Nettleton, LN7 6AS, Email:
A Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 4th May 2020 following the Annual
Parish Meeting, via the internet. Meeting invites will be emailed.
During the current COVID-19 pandemic there will be no public participation, for health and
safety reasons.
Jackie Grainger
Clerk to Tealby Parish Council
28th April 2020.
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Election of Chairman for ensuing year 2020/21.
3. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairman of Tealby Parish
4. Election of Vice-Chairman for ensuing year 2020/21.
5. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Vice-Chairman of Tealby
Parish Council.
6. To receive Councillors’ Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act
7. To approve the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 2nd March 2020.
8. To receive Chairman’s & Councillors comments/updates on any matters outstanding
from the last Council Meeting and resolve as necessary.
9. To receive the Clerk’s report on any matters outstanding from the last Council
Meeting and resolve as necessary.
10. i)Annual Return for year ended 31st March 2020
a. Execute Annual Governance Statement
b. To approve the statement of accounts
c. Execute Certificate of Exemption
d. Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit
ii) To Approve Accounts for payment
11. To receive an update in relation to Cemetery and Memorial Garden maintenance.
12. To consider and comment on planning applications received since the last meeting &
to receive an update on Planning Matters since the last meeting.
13. To Discuss funding applications.
14. To receive update on tree, asset and path maintenance within the village, including
temporary closure of play area.
Notes in relation to the agenda
As we are holding the meeting via zoom, please could I ask that you review the notes below.
The AGM will be swift, I’ve already sent last year’s minutes and the financial information,
Stephen will send you his Chairman’s report before the meeting, so really just an
acknowledgment of the reports is required. We will then move on to the normal parish
Preparation is the key to meeting in this way, so Ideally you should have prepared any
comments ready for each agenda item as it is reviewed, this will hopefully cut down on the
time we are discussing items. Zoom meetings are free - and last 40 minutes, although
should we run over that time then we simply end the meeting, and then I create a new one,
with new invites to start again directly afterwards.
• We are looking to elect a Chair & Vice-Chair – no long silences please. The persons
elected will have the relevant declaration of acceptance of office paperwork emailed
for a “wet” signature, so print, sign and return to me by posted please.
• I have already circulated the March minutes – please note any changes, Stephen
could you please print out a copy and sign them ready for posting to me.
• I have completed the accounts and managed to get them dropped off to accountants
for an internal audit. They should be ready for the 30/4, so we can complete the
Annual Return and the Certificate of exemption – I shall post these certificates to
Stephen for signatory, but another will be needed for witness, then post back to me.
• Martin – Cem/Church – I’ve received no further emails since the last meeting and I’m
not certain the last correspondence answered or resolved some of the enquiries we
had. We recently received a quotation for a tree survey for the cemetery of
£300+vat. (This is for one day’s work). Perhaps an email or letter regarding
maintenance needs drafting, as it may be prudent to do one tree survey for the whole
of the cemetery and closed church yard at the same time. This will be more costly, (?
contribution from the church), but will help us to budget better for any work required
going forward for the foreseeable. For discussion.
• Planning applications – I will email you a list of the decisions / outstanding and
current applications waiting for comments on Monday 4/5 – please have your
comments ready. Additionally, we really do need a councillor to undertake or oversee
planning applications for the village. Yvonne used to keep us up to date, but this role
was not filled upon her departure. A Volunteer please.
• Roger, if you have had any detailed funding requests from the village hall then
perhaps you could bring that to the meeting, as I only received the general request,
but understand you are looking at various funding schemes also.
Finally, I look forward to seeing everybody at 6.30pm on Monday
evening – see you then.