September 2024 Agenda

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Tealby Parish Council, which will be held in Tealby Village Hall, 3 Beck Hill, Tealby, LN8 3XU on Wednesday 4 September, commencing at 7.30pm

In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public and press may attend the meeting. Members of the public wishing to speak during the Open Forum are asked to contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if possible.

Yours sincerely,

T Shaw

Tony Shaw
Clerk to Tealby Parish Council

29 August 2024    


1.    Declarations of Interest
a)    To record declarations of interest in any of the agenda items listed below
b)    To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below

2.    Apologies

3.    Adoption of previous minutes from Thursday 20 June 2024

4.    Open Forum
a)    Update from the Community Speedwatch group
b)    To consider a request to donate £50 to the Community Speedwatch group to assist with the production of literature

5.    District/County Councillor Reports

6.    Clerk’s Report
a)    To note the council’s insurance has been renewed with Gallagher Insurance until 5 July 2025
b)    To note the appointment of new church wardens, Dr Simon Anderson and Heather Sanderson

7.    Finance
a)    To receive a list of income received since the last meeting
b)    To ratify any payments made since the last meeting
c)    To approve a bank reconciliation to the end of August 2024
d)    To receive a budget report to the end of August 2024
e)    To approve a Schedule of Payments
f)    To receive a summary of the Play Park finances 
g)    To note receipt of a VAT refund of £2,345.71, for the year 2023-24
h)    To note receipt of £1,739.66 from the Parochial Church Council

8.    To review the Asset Register

9.    To adopt a Scheme of Delegation

10.    To receive the annual RoSPA Safety Report and agree any remedial actions

11.    To consider a quote for felling of a dead tree, adjacent to the Car Park

12.    Recycled Benches and Picnic Tables
a)    To approve the purchase of 5 benches at a cost of £391.66 each (excl. VAT). Total cost £1,958.30
b)    To approve the purchase of 3 picnic tables at a cost of £405.00 each (excl. VAT). Total cost £1,215.00

13.    To consider membership of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) at a cost of £100

14.    To consider the creation of a Tealby Parish Clerk Facebook account for sharing community information

15.    Laptop
a)    To approve the purchase of a Lenovo Ideapad laptop for the clerk, at a cost of £312.50 plus VAT
b)    To approve the purchase of a software key for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021, at a cost of £18.98

Exclusion of Press and Public: 
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that public and press be excluded from the meeting for the matters set out below on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of private and confidential information.

16.    To consider a change to the Clerk’s hours to include regular Play Park inspections