November 2024 Agenda

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend an Ordinary Meeting of Tealby Parish Council, to be held in Tealby Village Hall, 3 Beck Hill, Tealby, LN8 3XU on Wednesday 6 November, commencing at 7.30pm
In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public and press may attend the meeting. Members of the public wishing to speak during the Open Forum are asked to contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if possible.

Yours sincerely,

T Shaw

Tony Shaw
Clerk to Tealby Parish Council

1 November 2024    


1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest
a)    To record declarations of interest in any of the agenda items listed below
b)    To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below

3.    Adoption of previous minutes from Wednesday 4 September 2024

4.    Open Forum

5.    District Councillor Report

6.    County Councillor Report

7.    Clerk’s Report
a)    To note an invoice has been sent to Lincolnshire County Council for £1,641.52 grass cutting contribution, for the season 2024/25
b)    To note the purchase and installation of 3 new benches and 4 picnic tables has been completed
c)    To note membership of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) has been purchased until 31 March 2025, at a reduced cost of £42.00 (full year price is £100)
d)    To note the creation of a Tealby Parish Clerk facebook profile, for use on Tealby Talk
e)    To note the recovery of £335 in unpaid fees from two stone masons
f)    To note a request has been logged on FixMyStreet to have the grit bin at the Community Shop refilled
g)    Feedback from the Clerk’s Memorial training
h)    Feedback from the Clerk’s Play Park safety training

8.    Finance
a)    To ratify any payments made since the last meeting
b)    To approve a schedule of payments
c)    To approve a bank reconciliation
d)    To receive a financial summary
e)    To receive a draft budget for 2025-26 
f)    To agree that £500 Tesco grant will be transferred from the Current account to the Play Park account, to be used towards a Trim Trail 

9.    Planning
a)    To consider planning application WL/2024/00056
Location:    Thorpe Mill, Thorpe Lane, Tealby, LN8 3YE
Proposal:    Planning application for conversion of existing barn with construction of new link extension to form 1no. dwellinghouse, and various refurbishment works, including reinstatement of historic features to the millhouse and change of use of land to allow for footpath diversion.

b)    To consider planning application WL/2024/00892
Location:    Thorpe Mill, Thorpe Lane, Tealby, LN8 3YE
Proposal:    Footpath diversion order for FP1217 - 72m of footpath, 2m width, diversion from point A to point C

10.    To consider a quote for additional meadow cutting in 2025.

11.    To consider quotes for the removal of a dead Cherry tree

12.    To consider a proposal that all Cemetery and Memorial fees must be paid before a burial or memorial installation can take place

13.    To agree the date of the January 2025 meeting (8 Jan is unavailable)