May 2023 Minutes
Chair: Cllr Spivey
Present: Cllr Shilling, Cllr Mercer, Cllr Adams, Cllr Brown, Cllr Noon, Cllr Bevan, County Cllr Bunney,
Clerk: Tony Shaw
No members of the public attended the meeting.
1. Apologies for absence
2. To receive Councillors’ Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
3. To adopt the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th March 2023
RESOLVED: Minutes adopted and signed by the Chairman
4. To receive Councillor comments on any matters outstanding from the last meeting
• Cllr Spivey commented on the state of benches around the village, which either need repair or replacement. CIL money could be used to fund this.
• Suggestion that recycled benches could replace existing benches in the village, whilst Teak would be retained for the Village Green
• Picnic tables on the Village Green need adding to the asset register
• County Cllr Bunney advised that work is being planned to address the spring on the main road leading into the village where flooding occurs. Also resurfacing work on Caistor Lane is planned for this financial year.
5. To approve a schedule of payments for invoices received since the last meeting
RESOLVED: All payments in the table below were approved.
Invoice |
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
18/03/23 |
Kari Flo Dunton |
Invoice balance for Coronation entertainer |
100.00 |
100.00 |
29/03/23 |
Morgan’s Direct Ltd |
Box files |
41.66 |
8.33 |
49.99 |
30/03/23 |
Pukka Pads Ltd |
Lever arch files |
14.28 |
2.86 |
17.14 |
31/03/23 |
M Williams |
Grass cutting |
360.00 |
72.00 |
432.00 |
11/04/23 |
Clearstock Outlet |
Shredder |
67.99 |
67.99 |
18/04/23 |
West Lindsey DC |
Green bin subscription (cemetery) |
39.00 |
39.00 |
19/04/23 |
Amazon Europe |
Ink cartridges |
22.33 |
4.46 |
26.79 |
28/04/23 |
PAYE payment for 2022-23 Month 11 |
24.84 |
24.84 |
28/04/23 |
PAYE payment for 2022-23 Month 12 |
45.07 |
45.07 |
28/04/23 |
M Williams |
Grass cutting |
720.00 |
144.00 |
864.00 |
30/04/23 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary for Mar and Apr, inc. overtime |
662.96 |
662.96 |
30/04/23 |
Antony Shaw |
Expenses for Mar and Apr |
90.62 |
90.62 |
6. To receive a Financial Summary from the Clerk
Clerk provided end of year figures as per the Annual Return (AGAR):
2021/22 End of year balance brought forward = £19,568
2022/23 Income = £24,800
2022/23 Expenditure = £13,659
2022/23 End of year bank balance = £30,709
7. To execute and approve the 2022-23 Annual Return
a) Receive the Internal Audit Report (page 3)
Council reviewed the Internal Auditors report which approved the accounts for 2022-23
b) Execute the Annual Governance Statement (page 4)
RESOLVED: Council completed and agreed the content of the Annual Governance Statement
c) Approve the Accounting Statements (page 5)
RESOLVED: Council approved the Accounting Statement part of the return.
8. To consider and comment on planning applications received since the last meeting:
9. To resolve to delegate all decision-making power to the Clerk until such time as the council next meets, following a by-election in June/July. These powers include, but are not limited to, the payment of invoices and commenting on planning applications.
RESOLVED: Clerk has the power to make urgent decisions, approve payments and comment on planning applications.
Meeting closed at 8:50 pm