September 2023 Minutes

Tony Shaw (Clerk)
Councillor Steven Spivey (Chair)
Councillor Martin Shilling (Vice-Chair)
Councillor David Mercer
Councillor John Brown
Councillor Richard Noon

District Councillor Moira Westley
No members of the public

01:09/23    Declarations of Interest:
a)    To record declarations of interest by any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.  Members should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b)    To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.
There were no declarations relevant to the business on the agenda.

02:09/23    Apologies:
To receive any apologies sent to the Clerk from Members not able to attend the meeting.
Apologies received from Cllr David Bevan and the reason was accepted.

03:09/23    Adoption of Previous Minutes:
To adopt the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12th July 2023.
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted and signed by the Chair.

04:09/23    Open Forum:
Members of the public can ask questions or make short statements to the council. Open Forum shall not exceed 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair of the Council.
No members of the public in attendance.

05:09/23    District/County Councillor Reports:
To receive updates from any attending District or County Councillor.
Cllr Westley advised council of the following items:
a)    A Community Funding event to be held at Festival Hall, Market Rasen on September 19th 
b)    West Lindsey District Council have issued an online survey to gather resident views on local priorities. The results will inform their annual budget setting and they encourage as many people as possible to complete the survey. 

Council raised an issue with Cllr Westley regarding the state of Cow Lane. Pre-existing potholes have been made worse by the presence of heavy vehicles delivering to a new housing development. Council requested that WLDC liaise with the developer to clarify the extent of remedial resurfacing.

06:09/23    Finance:
a)    To receive a financial summary from the Clerk.
The Clerk presented a set of bank reconciliations to demonstrate that the council’s accounts match the bank statements as at the end of August 2023. The total cash held by the council as at 31st August was £41,729 including two outstanding VAT claims.

b)    To approve a Schedule of Payments for invoices received since the last meeting.
RESOLVED: All items in the table below were approved for payment.






Alan Green

Mole catching





PAYE payment




M Williams

Grass cutting Jul 11 and 26




Tennyson d’Eyncourt

Hall hire for Jan to Jul 2023




RoSPA Play Safety

Annual play park inspection




Antony Shaw

Expenses for May and Jun




Antony Shaw

Salary for Jul and Aug




M Williams

Grass cutting August (2 cuts)




c)    To note the receipt of VAT reclaimed for 2020-21 and 2021-22.
Council noted that VAT claims of £1,310.73 for 2020-21, and £1,439.04 for 2021-22 has been received from HMRC.

d)    To note the transfer of all Parish Council monies from Lloyds to Unity Trust Bank.
Council noted that all monies have been transferred from Lloyds Bank to Unity Trust and the Clerk will make arrangements to have the Lloyds accounts closed.

07:09/23    Planning:
To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting.
Planning Ref:    147180
Applicant:    Mansgate Quarry Products Limited
Location:    30 Caistor Lane  Tealby Market Rasen LN8 3XN
Proposal:    Planning application for proposed cladding of existing elevations and replacement of existing windows and doors.
Link:    Click here to view the application

RESOLVED: Councillors will submit comments to the Clerk who will prepare the Council response.
Planning Ref:    PL/0064/23
Location:    Mansgate Chalk Quarry, Mansgate Hill, Nettleton
Proposal:    For retention of a bund.
Link:    Click here to view the application

RESOLVED: No comment

08:09/23    Quote for Tree Felling
To receive a quote for the felling of dead trees in the Churchyard. Planning permission for work in the Conservation Area is an additional £50+vat.
RESOLVED: Quote from Lincolnshire Tree Services accepted for the following work items:
•    Fell dying Ash, at a cost of £1,550 including VAT.
•    Fell dying Elm, at a cost of £300 including VAT.
•    Clear vegetation along wall, at a cost of £480 including VAT.

09:09/23    Church Bench:
To receive an update on the potential contribution from the PCC to a replacement bench.
Council noted that there has been no response from the PCC but it appears repair work to the bench has been carried out.
RESOLVED: This bench will no longer be earmarked for replacement.

10:09/23    Church Path:
To receive an update on the cost of repair to the Church path.
Council noted it is still waiting for an estimate from a contractor.

11:09/23    Toddler Swing:
To receive an update on the proposed repair or replacement of the Toddler Swing.
Council noted that the recent RoSPA Safety Inspection Report identified issues with the Toddler Swing that were previously unknown, and these mean it is beyond repair.
RESOLVED: A replacement for the Toddler Swing will be included in a proposal for Play Park Improvements (see item 12:09/23).

12:09/23    Play Park Improvements:
To agree ideas for improvements that can be submitted to WLDC for match funding.
Council discussed a number of improvements including fence repairs, replacement of picnic benches and the purchase of new play equipment. Cllr Mercer will prepare a proposal in conjunction with volunteer residents, for consideration at the next meeting.

Council noted that a quote from AJ Williams for repairs to the Play Park fence had been accepted in late 2022 but the work is outstanding.
RESOLVED: Clerk to ask AJ Williams to undertake the work. In the event the original quote needs to be revised, Council delegated to the Clerk to accept this, provided the price increase does not exceed £250.

13:09/23    Village Green Mowing:
To receive and discuss correspondence from a resident regarding mowing of the Village Green.
Council received correspondence that requested additional cuts in the wildlife area of the Play Park, to assist with its management by volunteers.
RESOLVED: Clerk will contact the grass contractor and request a quote for the additional items to be included in their schedule of works.

14:09/23    RoSPA Safety Inspection Report:
To receive a safety report on the Play Park and agree any actions.
Council discussed the report and noted that many of the remedial actions will be redundant once items of play equipment have been replaced.
RESOLVED: Council to review any outstanding actions from the RoSPA report once a proposal for Play Park improvements has been agreed.

Exclusion of Press and Public: 
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that public and press be excluded from the meeting for the matters set out below on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of private and confidential information.

15:09/23    Staffing Matters:
a)    To approve the Clerk’s overtime claim for July and August.
The Clerk reported a total of 14 hours overtime had been worked during the months of July and August.
RESOLVED: Overtime approved.

b)    To pre-approve overtime for Sept and Oct for the specific purpose of consolidating and digitizing Cemetery Records.
The Clerk explained the need to consolidate a variety of registers and electronic records covering the management of the cemetery, into a single spreadsheet. An initial request for 7 hours overtime was requested for this specific project.
RESOLVED: Overtime approved.

Meeting closed at 9:30pm