March 2024 Minutes

Clerk    Tony Shaw
Councillors    Steven Spivey (Chair), Martin Shilling (Vice-Chair), Richard Noon and David Bevan
District Councillor    Moira Westley
Public    No members of the public

01:03/24    Declarations of Interest:
a)    To record declarations of interest by any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.  Members should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b)    To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below. 
There were no declarations relevant to the business on the agenda.

02:03/24    Apologies:
To receive any apologies sent to the Clerk from Members not able to attend the meeting.
Apologies received from Cllr Mercer and Cllr Brown.  The reasons were accepted.

03:03/24    Adoption of Previous Minutes:
To adopt the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th January 2023.
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted and signed by the Chair.

04:03/24    Open Forum:
Members of the public can ask questions or make short statements to the council. Open Forum shall not exceed 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair of the Council.
Three matters were brought to the council’s attention:
1)    Two waste bins to the front of the Village Hall are not being emptied by WLDC’s waste collection team. This will be logged on FixMyStreet for investigation.
2)    Barriers on the pavement, adjacent to Barn Cottage on Rasen Road, are unsightly and causing an obstruction.  Clerk to make enquiries.
3)    There are plans to resurface the car park at the Village Hall.  This is being managed by the Village Hall Committee.

05:03/24    District/County Councillor Reports:
To receive updates from District/County Councillors.
District Cllr Westley provided a verbal report, that covered the following:
(1)    Confirmation that resurfacing work on Caistor Lane is scheduled for the first quarter of 2024-25.
(2)    Notification that resurfacing work will take place at Kirmond-le-Mire between 30 April and 13 May.  The road will be closed between 7am and 5pm.
(3)    Feedback is urgently sought on potential EV charging points in the village.  The parish council agreed that the car park adjacent to the Village Hall would be a viable option.

06:03/24    Finance:
a)    To receive a financial summary from the Clerk.
The Clerk presented a full set of accounts, to the end of February 2024. These showed that the total cash held on 29 February 2024 was £34,060 including any committed expenditure or expected income.

b)    To approve a Schedule of Payments for invoices received since the last meeting.
RESOLVED: All items in the table below were approved for payment.











NBB Recycled Furniture

Car Park Bench





Cemetery Green Bin





Car Park Bench Chains




E-Quip (Rasen)

Noticeboard Repair




Antony Shaw

Salary for Jan and Feb




Antony Shaw

Expenses for Jan and Feb




c)    To note communication with the PCC regarding a contribution to Churchyard maintenance.
The Clerk has contacted the PCC to enquire why monthly contributions have ceased.  Awaiting response.

07:03/24    Play Park Refurbishment:
To receive three quotes and vote for a preferred option.
Three quotes were presented to council for consideration.  These quotes covered extensive refurbishment of the play park including new equipment.  Due to the nature of the work, the quotes were not exactly “like-for-like” because each supplier offers different equipment.  However, all quotes were fit for purpose.
•    Quote 1 was £42,594 including VAT and installation.
•    Quote 2 was £33,190 including VAT and installation.
•    Quote 3 was £51,382 including VAT and installation.
RESOLVED: Council approved Quote 2.

08:03/24    Grit Bin:
To consider feedback from LCC and whether a replacement grit bin should be relocated.
The grit bin on Sandy Lane has been damaged and requires replacement.  LCC have committed to doing this but asked whether there is a better location for it.
RESOLVED:  The grit bin is to remain it its present location.

09:03/24    Cemetery Fees:
To review and agree the schedule of Cemetery Fees.
Cemetery Fees have not been reviewed since May 2020.  For comparison, the Clerk presented a schedule of fees from Market Rasen and Caistor cemeteries, which showed Tealby is generally cheaper for most options.  Both Market Rasen and Caistor offer different prices for residents and non-residents and council felt this is something they would like to adopt. 
The Clerk will prepare a proposed revised price schedule for consideration at the next meeting.

10:03/24    Play Park Trees:
To consider quotes to remove fallen trees in the Play Park.
Two tree surgeons have attended the play park to assess the work required.  To date, one quote has been received.
RESOLVED: Council delegated authority to the Clerk to approve the cheapest quote. 

Meeting closed at 9:15pm