March 2019 Minutes


Notes of the Meeting of Monday 4th March 2019 Held in the Village Hall at 7.20pm.


Cllr. Spivey   

Cllr. Ryan

Cllr. Wraith  

Cllr. Brady

Cllr. Shilling

Cllr. Goodall

Cllr. Adams – (Late)                      

Mrs. J. Grainger (Clerk & RFO) Cllr. Strange (LCC) The meeting was opened at 7.20pm.

Reports from Lincolnshire County Council were made by Cllr Strange. News included ; a new Chief Exec has been appointed Mrs. Barnes OBE, Resurfacing for Tealby is scheduled for 2019/20 – not firm details at the moment, Leisure Centre for Market Rasen has been passed and construction now underway, other highways work is ongoing, including bypass and roundabout changes, Budget information is due to be released soon.

In the absence of the Police there was no report available currently.

12.19 Apologies For Absence.

The meeting was advised that no apologies had been received.

13.19 To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011.

Cllr. Spivey , Village Hall Committee and Cllr. Goodall – Village Hall Committee volunteer.

14.19 To Approve As A Correct Record The Notes Of The Meeting Of The Council Held On– 7th January 2019.

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the notes of the meeting held on 7th January 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

15.19 Chairman & Councillors Comments.

Cllr. Brady reported that following reports of a spring on Front Street, a pot hole was now evident, to be reported directly by Cllr. Brady. Cllr. Brady also confirmed that he would not be standing for re-election at the forthcoming elections in May.

Cllr. Adams reported that he had received a pro-forma document for the Emergency Plan, which he was progressing.

Cllr. Spivey reported that along with Cllr. Wraith they had attended the first of the Neighbourhood Plan meetings with a group of potential residents interested in forming the Neighbourhood Plan group. A summary of the meeting had been circulated to those in attendance, and they were currently exploring launch dates for an awareness event.

Signatories for the bank accounts are currently being reviewed and added to.

Cllr. Goodall reported that he was working with the Village Hall to apply for an application for a grant from the Sustainability Fund.

Cllr. Ryan tendered his resignation, due to relocation.

Cllr. Spivey thanked Cllr. Ryan for his support over the last decade, and wished him good luck in his new appointment and home.

Cllr. Spivey enquired about application of the Councillors Initiative Fund, for the purpose of notice board maintenance – it was proposed seconded and resolved to apply for the maximum amount for this purpose. The clerk was tasked with making enquiries.

16.19 Clerks Report.

The clerk reported that she had organised a defibrillator training event which was attended by Cllr. Wraith and 5 residents.

The clerk reported that the signs for the telephone box (defibrillator) had been ordered.

The clerk provided information regarding the costs of the installation and extended warranty of a speed awareness unit, with ongoing maintenance costings. Following discussions the councillors requested that more information be gained and any information regarding other parish recommendations.

The clerk reported that whilst completing her CiLCA training a schedule of review be put in place for all policies and the standing orders. The standing orders would be updated and circulated before the next meeting for discussion and adoption.

17.19 Correspondence.

All electronic mail circulated throughout the month, which included WLDC Election reminder, LCC Highways electronic issue reporting protocol, LCC Traffic Regulation Orders protocol.

Resignation letter received from Cllr. Ryan.

Information from West Lindsey Active Communities Manager received regarding an exercise outreach programme, to be circulated.

18.19 Finance – To Authorise The Signing Of Orders For Payment And To Note Income For January & February 2019.

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That orders for payment made to the sum of £766.14 for January & February 2019, no income had been generated in this period.

19.19 Planning Applications & Decisions.

Councillors expressed concern with regard the communication from the planning department in relation to Application 138096 – Mast to be erected at the Sewage Treatment Works. This application will go to committee, giving Tealby Parish Council 2 days notice. Cllr. Spivey recommended writing to the District Councillor to express our concerns. Proposed, Seconded & Resolved that; Write to WLDC with concerns about notice of applications going to committee.



Land adj The old chapel, Front St


Comments &

observations received.



Kings Head


No decision



Kings Head


No decision



Mast Swage works – committee 6/3/19

Original appl. 1/8/18


20.19 Defibrillator

Cllr. Goodall reported the he was regularly inspecting the two units.

He also reported that due to poor telephone signal in the area he proposed that all Councillors be provided with the code, along with a visible list of Councillors addresses, to be placed in the shop and on notice boards for use in emergency. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that; a list would be drawn up and displayed for this purpose.

The clerk informed the council that spares for the defibrillator would need to be pick up when placing an order.

21.19 Recreation Area

Cllr. Spivey reported that a bank account had been set up and linked to the Parish Council Accounts for donations made for the purpose of play equipment repairs. This money was originally placed in the village hall accounts by the group raising money for the equipment, which will be transferred when completed. Additional signatories were also being arranged for this account.

The weekly checks are being completed by Cllr. Spivey.

Training for inspections has been arranged with two places booked, names to be supplied to LALC as soon as possible.

27.19 Cemetery And Closed Church Yard

The clerk reported that she is due to meet with Revd Chris Hewitt on the 14th March to discuss paperwork and the fee’s being received by the church for the interred remains in the Wall of Remembrance. The clerk is under the impression that reservations and fees are to be collected by the Parish Council, which is being debated by the Church. No fees have been received by the Parish Council since 2007, but remains have been interred since this time. Additionally, no new additions have been placed in the register, which requires addressing as soon as possible.

The church has forwarded details for green bin emptying to the Parish Council. Two bins are currently used, one for the church and one for the cemetery. The Councillors discussed green waste and proposed seconded and resolved that; one bin in the cemetery should be paid for by the Parish Council as all other green waste created by maintenance is disposed of via other means.

Meeting Closed 9.00pm

Date of next Meeting 6th May 2019